I heard the hype. I signed up. I am a member of Pinterest. I love it! I recently established a new mission to improve my mothering and "wifing" skills and Pinterest has been my greatest support along the way. It would not be uncommon to find me applying two or even three posts in a day. Take this evening for instance: I cooked a very simple yet delicious meal (Chicken Parmesan Casserole) and made dessert a family activity (Donut Holes). Both were ideas I pinned on Pinterest. Both ideas simple enough that Holland could play a major part in participating! Though Holland's pretending is getting more creative and a little bit more enjoyable. It is so nice to be able to do things that are fun for us ALL. Yum.
We had a few friends over last Friday and we had some more fun with food. We gave the kids grapes and toothpicks and let them connect the grapes into different shapes. All Holland was interested in was stabbing the toothpick into the grapes then eating them but other kids, like Annie, actually made stuff.
For lunch we made squid. I cut a bunch of Hot Dogs up and the kids stuck uncooked spaghetti noodles through them and we boiled them in the "Red Sea". Annie wanted the squid to be pink so we died the water with food coloring. Then they dipped their pink squid in pink ranch dressing. It all looked pretty discussing but every kid seemed to enjoy their top of the line squid cuisine. Both the squid and grape ideas came from Pinterest.
Some say it's addicting and they spend too much time on Pinterest but because of such a sweet idea I am growing closer to my daughter and earning my husbands love through his stomach. Isn't that special ;) Lol, cheesy but true.
Here are my cute little girls. :)
Holland continues to impress us with how smart she is. Today she caught me trying to steal a tool back that she stole from me. I needed it to put a shelf up in our laundry room and she didn't want to fork it over. I noticed a moment where she wasn't playing with it so I grabbed it and put it in my pocket as I was showing her something else. "What did you put in your pocket mommy?" She reaches in and finds the screw driver. I felt pretty stupid when she caught me. "May I use that Holland?" "NO!" Is what I did considered lying? It doesn't matter anyway because the days of slipping around tantrums is over. They are now in full force and at their greatest.
Notice the fork in the back ground of Holland's adorable cheese ball picture. I've been using it to do Holland's hair because for some reason (coughkids) all of our combs and brushes dissapeared. Over a week ago, Jaret got the biggest kick when I whipped out the "dingle hopper" in desperation to do Holland's hair for church. Soon thereafter, Holland found a little princess brush that's been tying us over. Today I finally found a comb as I was organizing our laundry room! I'm too cheap to go buy more because the store is so far away and I JUST bought some anyway. I shouldn't have to buy more! What the hay?
Brooklyn is really enjoying walking practice. We borrowed a little push toy from Amanda Stewarts house and Brooklyn has been in heaven pushing it around. We let her have at it last night and she would push it across the kitchen and get stuck. Either Jaret or I would redirect the thing and she would go for ten seconds and get stuck again. She learned pretty quickly what needed to be done when she would push herself into a corner. As you can imagine redirecting this thing got old pretty quickly but sure enough when she would get stuck she would look up at us with those big hazel eyes and the whole story was on her face. "Get over here and move this thing for me!" If we were slow to move she would give a screechy yell to speed us up. It was pretty cute.
Did ya notice how stinkin' skinny Brooklyn is? When I hold her up with her legs dangling she looks like a frog. Seriously. One of these days I'm going to take a picture of her and compare it to a frog 's long skinny legs and big head. It's cute. I've taken to calling her "Froggy". She may be skinny but she's a big drinker. I changed her diaper around eight times today and they were all completely filled! She's in size 4's because of this major fluid escape but the problem with having her in such big diapers is that I have to pull the tabs all of the way across her body. Why does that matter? Well, because it scrunches the front of the diaper and it just barely hangs onto her little body. I ordered some size 3's in the mail and decided to give it another stab. Maybe I'll just have to change her bum fifteen times instead of eight. Huh. Maybe I'll call her pediatrician tomorrow to make sure I shouldn't be concerned with her massive fluid intake.
We've got a solid "Noodle" that "Holla's" and a skinny "Froggy" that "Sags". What parents could be happier? We love our little attitudes.
1 comment:
I love the dinglehopper....how resourceful of you. lol. You are so lucky to have 2 girls so close in age. :)
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