Friday, December 9, 2011

It's getting closer!

Last night, Jaret and I set up a few lights and tried to make some good progress on siding the house.  I think it was successful!...The progress that is.  I had to leave a little early to put the kids to bed (thanks to my dear friend Amanda for taking the kiddos once again) but by the time Jaret left the house he had pretty much all of the siding on the house.  We still need to do fasia, some painting and put the sofets up but it is really coming along.

I stopped by the house today and was so excited to see how much has been accomplished on the inside!  We've got our flooring in for our kitchen, laundry room, and bathrooms!  The paint is done z9I must add that I like the color...luckily.  Ya never really know until it's on the walls) and our builder picked the light fixtures up yesterday and already has most of them up!  It's getting closer....

More good news.  We found out that we get stone on our fireplace!  Yay!  I am so super excited for our new house!  

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