Sunday, October 9, 2011


Jaret has been slowly chipping away at my very tall "absolutely no dog" wall.  Now that (hopefully) we're going to be getting into our own place he's decided that we're going to get a mini doberman pinscher.  I don't need the extra responsibility, I've never been a fan of dog hair, I absolutely don't like the yapping (which I've heard mini pinschers are famous for), don't like their little wet noses touching my skin, licking is gross and I absolutely detest when dogs think they have to sniff your bum.  Aside from that, dogs are fun to watch and some are actually cute.    Anyway, I guess we'll see if he actually convinces me.  The biggest softening has come from the fact that Holland adores dogs.

1 comment:

Merry said...

Good luck with that!