Friday, June 14, 2013


I'm trying to not let this day become "one of those days".  I'm standing here in my towel warn out from shoveling dirt in the mud and I just want to take a nice warm shower.  Not a cold shower, not a scalding shower, not a sulfery shower and not a no water shower...because that's not even a SHOWER!  I hopped in excited to rid my body of the dirt and grime I accumulated and once again my water is either cold or scalding then eventually trickled out and it's been five minutes and it wont turn on again.  I keep checking the faucets in hopes that it will work but instead I get little drops drying on my shoulders...and time to my towel.  Luckily, I didn't have a chance to put shampoo in my hair and the kids are being entertained by my tv babysitter.  Now, I just wait and hope that once again my water will turn on.

I have to admit the whole water system in our house has been very disappointing.  On day three we found a mouse in the water softener, we have tons of sediment that turns the water yellow, Jarets faucet in the bathroom only provides a trickle and it seems like the water only decides to stop working when I'm in the middle of a shower.  This is probably the fourth or fifth time.  It almost doesn't seem fair to have paid for an inspection then have all of these problems.  Everything seemed to be working fine at the time of the inspection, but it's all pretty hit and miss.  Raar.

All in all, my problems are relatively superficial.  I am happy for that.  I've actually been having a hard time being stuck up in Montana while the rest of my family goes through some huge challenges.  Let's start from the top.  My Dad's Mom (Grandma Scott) and my Mom's Dad (Grandpa Andrus) have been having major health challenges and everyone is preparing and praying for their piece which mean potential funerals in the near future. I can't help but wonder how my parents are feeling about this.  Then we have Holly who has been flung across the United States to a foreign land called New Jersey.  What a world of change for her and her family.  Merry broke her wrist in Taekwondo (sp) and Callie is dealing with her sweet little Morgan in a body cast after her brother fell on her and broke her leg.  Last but not least, Brittany just went through gallbladder surgery to remove a gallstone.  I'm really missing my family and wish I could help.  What's stopping me?  Our choice to buy our house.  I am working to keep up on our bills and we have to really budget in order to stay out of trouble.  I can't just drop everything on a whim like a used to.

With all of that said, I'm going to stop complaining now because it's ridiculous for me to do it when I am so blessed.  I'm going to go check the water now.

It's still not working.

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