Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life Long Dream Being Fulfilled

When people talk about their life long dreams it is often times concerning going somewhere exotic or climbing a big mountain or building their dream house.  Some of those are on my list but this one is a bit of an eyebrow raiser.  I've always wanted to make my own luvsac!  I got some free foam we're been chipping away at and I actually cheated and order the actual luvsac brand bag to put our foam in.  It arrived today and we have a lot more chipping to do and we need a lot more foam....but I'm so excited and Holland already loves it!

Holla and Brooky with the rolls of foam.

Jaret Chipping away.  I actually cut hours and hours worth with scissors and Jaret discovered that it was a lot easier to just tear it with our hands.  Figures.

We decided we needed to have a foam fight.  So, we tore apart large pieces and divided them in boxes.

We had some friends over and Jaret's "Little Brother", Jason and had our little war.  It was a lot of fun for all ages.  The foam is so soft that it didn't even effect Brooklyn.  Even Holland loved it.  We had a lot of fun!

Here's our new luvsac!  As you can see we've got our work cut out for us.  The bag already has the large and  small pieces we've chipped.  Here we go!  Yay!

1 comment:

Merry said...

Foam fight! Excellent idea!