Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 2

Day two at my new job wasn't too bad.  I had many opportunities to answer basic phone calls and even had a few opportunities to see how 911 calls were answered and resolved.  It goes without saying that those times when the 911 calls come in the energy in the room jumps.  I got to work with sweet Janet today and I enjoy having her as a supervisor.  Aside from the random quiz questions my boss, Steve, gave me, I felt like I came fairly prepared to work after learning all the Ten Codes that are regularly used and even learning a few deputy numbers.  Day two I can understand the radio leaps and bounds better then I did day one.  Steve said he was going to get me a radio for me to listen to at home to help me better understand the lingo.

I didn't have a chance to do all the homework I had hoped.  My plan was to use part of yesterday evening to read through all the stacks of papers I was given.  The day ended up packed and chaotic and didn't leave me any room to study.  I started the day by watering my garden then headed to Bozeman for a day full of grocery shopping.  After a few different stores I promised to take the girls to the park.  Just as I arrived I received a pleading phone call begging for me to go into Sugar High and help out.  Everyone on the list had been called.  I gave the girls a half hour to play and regretfully shewed them into the car and headed back to Ennis.  I didn't even have time to put groceries away.  Instead, I met Jaret at his work at 6:30 as he was scrambling to pull things together in order to go camping.  He took the kids home and put our food away while I worked the rest of the night away.  The day wasn't over at 9:30pm when I got home.  Jaret was still trying to wrap up work stuff and hadn't found any time to pack. So, I took his list and threw everything I could find together.  Then I looked up stories for him to share about his group "representative", Lorenzo Snow.  By this time it was midnight, the house was a disaster (still is), and I had no more brain juice left to make it worth even attempting work study.  I was even pooped this morning.  I am definitely one of those people who needs her sleep.

With that said, I guess I should go to bed now.  I'll study in the morning....I hope.

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